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My Tho Industrial Zone

July 4, 2024

My Tho Industrial Zone (My Tho IZ) is located in My Tho City, Tiền Giang Province, about 70 km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City. My Tho IZ is planned and developed as an eco-friendly industrial zone, attracting many domestic and foreign investors. It was established according to Decision No. 782/TTg dated September 20, 1997, by the Prime Minister, with a project duration of 50 years.

The IZ features a centralized wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with a capacity of 4,550 m3/day and night, meeting the wastewater treatment needs of over 100 businesses operating within the IZ.

My Tho IZ Centralized Wastewater Treatment Plant

The WWTP is built with the aim of efficiently collecting and treating wastewater generated from production and business activities in the IZ, contributing to the protection of the living environment for the area and neighboring communities.

  • The centralized WWTP at My Tho IZ helps protect water sources and the living environment for the area, reducing water pollution caused by untreated domestic and industrial wastewater.
  • It enhances the image and reputation of My Tho IZ, attracting more domestic and foreign investors.
  • It contributes to the sustainable development strategy of Tiền Giang Province.


  • Address: Số 84, Ngô Gia Tự, Xã Trung An, TP. Mỹ Tho, Tiền Giang
  • Phone number: 02733 953 009
  • Email:
  • Website:


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