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iLotusland for Industrial Zone

Smart Environmental IoT Solutions for Sustainable Development
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For Industrial Zone

Smart Environmental IoT Solutions for Sustainable Development

Synchronize monitoring and management of all environmental monitoring data on the same system.

rental-real-estate-market -in-industrial-zone

Build environmental standards to attract investors and stimulate the rental real estate market in industrial zones.


Optimizing the use of resources in management and operation for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)


Integrate multiple data sources. Easy access to comprehensive data reports.


Real-time data management and monitoring helps businesses make quick and smart decisions during operations.

Our Customers

With extensive experience in Vietnam's market, managing and monitoring environmental data through IoT technology. We have successfully provided efficient real-time environmental data management solutions to businesses worldwide.

Use Case

DEEP C I Hải Phòng được thành lập vào ngày 5 tháng 4 năm 1997, là Khu công nghiệp rộng 541 ha, nằm tại tỉnh Hải Phòng, tiền thân là Khu công nghiệp Đình Vũ. Kể từ khi thành lập, DEEP C Hải Phòng I đã biến bán đảo Đình Vũ - Cát Hải biệt lập thành một trung tâm công nghiệp năng động với hơn 90 nhà đầu tư đến từ các quốc gia và ngành nghề khác nhau. Để giảm thiểu tác động tiêu cực đến môi trường, KCN đã xây dựng nhà máy xử lý nước thải…
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Nhà máy xử lý nước thải tập trung (WWTP - Wastewater Treatment Plant) KCN Mỹ Tho được Công ty Phát triển hạ tầng các khu công nghiệp Tiền Giang đầu tư xây dựng với mục tiêu thu gom, xử lý hiệu quả nguồn nước thải phát sinh từ hoạt động sản xuất kinh doanh trong KCN và quản lý dữ liệu quan trắc góp phần bảo vệ môi trường sống cho khu vực và cộng đồng lân cận. [caption id="attachment_3787" align="aligncenter" width="1272"] Nhà máy xử lý nước thải tập trung KCN Mỹ Tho[/caption] Nước thải phát sinh trong KCN Mỹ…
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Yen Binh Industrial Zone has invested 1.175 trillion VND in constructing a clean water plant with a capacity of 150,000 cubic meters per day and night, and a wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 60,000 cubic meters per day and night. This has helped the industrial zone be recognized as a unit that consistently performs well in investment activities for environmental protection. Clear responsibilities for environmental protection have been established for the investors of Yen Binh Industrial Zone, as well as for the manufacturing and business enterprises. They have researched and understood the regulations regarding environmental protection thoroughly. Additionally, Yen Binh Investment and Development Joint Stock Company has applied technology to manage and monitor wastewater monitoring data within the industrial zone.
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Song Tra Industrial Zone has implemented wastewater monitoring data management technology, aiming at digital transformation, environmental protection, and sustainable development. The iLotusLand solution brings numerous benefits to monitoring, assessing, and controlling the efficiency of wastewater treatment activities at the industrial zone.
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In the context of enhancing awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development, business projects are increasingly focusing on creating value not only for the enterprise but also for the community and the environment. In this spirit, AMATA has emerged as a shining example, especially with the AMATA Long Thanh project in Vietnam. This article will share about AMATA's sustainable development direction, particularly at the AMATA Long Thanh industrial zone.
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Long Duc Industrial Zone is located in Dong Nai province, covering an expansive area of over 300 hectares, attracting more than 100 businesses operating in various sectors. Recognizing the importance of environmental protection, especially in wastewater treatment, Long Duc Industrial Zone has invested in the iLotusLand wastewater monitoring software. This marks a significant step in applying technology to environmental protection, contributing to the establishment of a green, clean, beautiful, and civilized industrial zone.
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Japan Industrial Zone - Hai Phong is strategically located, adjacent to the capital Hai Phong, and 90km away from Hanoi. With modern and synchronized technical infrastructure, this industrial zone is conveniently connected to seaports, airports, major railway stations, and important transportation systems such as National Highway 5. NHIZ stands out in its commitment and implementation of environmental protection measures. With an automated continuous wastewater monitoring station system installed by Viet An Enviro...
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With the increasing demand for human electricity consumption, power plants need to accelerate their progress and working capacity many times over. The emissions from thermal power plants, such as exhaust gases, industrial wastewater, domestic wastewater, ash, are significant factors that seriously impact the environment. Therefore, thermal power plants invest in installing automatic monitoring systems to protect the environment. Among them, the Nhon Trach 1 thermal power plant is no exception as it has collaborated with iLotusLand to deploy and install multiple environmental data management systems.
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In Bac Ninh province, environmental protection is identified as a top priority, permeating the issuance of strategies and investment-attracting policies. Following the principle of implementing planning and constructing industrial parks comprehensively, from essential infrastructure to environmental protection requirements such as the monitoring system for waste and wastewater, environmental protection activities in industrial parks are required to be executed meticulously from the moment businesses are licensed to operate. Among them,
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Consulting on solutions to monitor and manage environmental monitoring data easily and effectively.