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The impact of climate change on a global scale today

April 24, 2024

Climate change is now more urgent than ever, significantly affecting Earth and human life globally and particularly in Vietnam. Intense heatwaves are becoming a pressing issue worldwide, directly impacting human life and health. Vietnam is no exception, facing an increasing trend of severe heatwaves in recent years.

Global warming due to climate change

Read more: The world is warming faster than ever before

Causes of climate change

The primary cause of climate change is excessive greenhouse gas emissions by humans, mainly from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These greenhouse gases accumulate in the atmosphere, trapping heat like a blanket, causing the Earth to warm, primarily from the following activities:

1. Burning fossil fuels:

  • Coal, oil, and natural gas are the main sources of energy for production, industry, transportation, and daily life activities.
  • When fossil fuels are burned, CO2, CH4, and N2O - the main greenhouse gases - are released into the atmosphere

2. Deforestation:

  • Forests play a crucial role in absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen.
  • Deforestation activities for logging, expanding agricultural land, urban development, etc., increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

3. Agriculture:

  • Agricultural activities such as livestock farming, the use of chemical fertilizers, rice cultivation, etc., also release greenhouse gases, especially CH4 and N2O.
Drought and water shortages persist in the Central Highlands - Southern Region

4. Industrial activities:

  • Factories, industrial zones emit large amounts of greenhouse gases, including CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs,...

5. Use of CFCs:

  • CFCs used in refrigerators, air conditioners, aerosol cans, etc., were later banned from production due to the potential risk of ozone depletion and contributing to the increase in the greenhouse effect.

Additionally, natural factors such as volcanic activity, mud eruptions, can also contribute to increasing greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere.

Consequences of climate change

The consequences of climate change are already occurring worldwide. Extreme weather phenomena such as heatwaves, droughts, floods, and storms are becoming more frequent and severe. Rising sea levels threaten coastal areas and islands. Ecosystems are being destroyed, leading to a decline in biodiversity.

Climate change also directly affects human health. Heatwaves can cause dehydration, heatstroke, and even death. Air pollution caused by climate change contributes to cardiovascular, respiratory, and cancer diseases.

Global warming

Global warming is the most obvious evidence that climate change is occurring rapidly. Earth's temperature is rising, sea levels are warming, and extreme weather events are increasing, clear signs of this issue. Global warming is seriously affecting all aspects of life on Earth.

Europe, often referred to as the "temperate continent," is also not immune to the impacts of global warming. Intense heatwaves continuously occur, breaking temperature records and causing significant human and property damage.

Prolonged Heatwave in Vietnam

Intense heatwaves are currently affecting many areas in Vietnam, posing numerous challenges for people in their daily lives and work.

According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, in recent days, a strong heatwave has struck the Northwest, North Central Coast, and Central Coast regions. Temperatures in many places have reached 39°C - 40°C, even up to 41°C in some areas.


The forecast indicates that this heatwave will continue for several more days. The regions with the highest temperatures are the Northwest, North Central Coast, and Central Coast. The Southern Region also experiences high temperatures ranging from 35°C to 38°C.

The scorching heat is engulfing many areas in Vietnam, making people struggle in the oppressive heat and facing difficulties in their daily lives and work.

With soaring temperatures, reaching up to 40°C - 41°C in some places, the air becomes stifling and oppressive. Intense heat affects people's activities and poses various health risks, especially for the elderly, children, and those with underlying health conditions. The intense heatwave has impacted many aspects of people's lives. Many individuals must limit outdoor activities during the day to avoid heat exhaustion. Labor productivity decreases as workers feel tired and lethargic. Electric demand rises, leading to localized power shortages in some areas.

To cope with the heatwave, people should take the following measures:

  • Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
  • Wear loose, breathable clothing.
  • Limit outdoor activities during peak heat hours (from 10 am to 4 pm).
  • Use sunscreen and wear a hat when going outside.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Limit the use of heat-generating electronic devices.

Additionally, authorities should enhance public awareness campaigns on heatwave prevention measures and provide support to the population during hot weather periods.


Below are detailed weather forecasts for some areas in Vietnam in the coming days:

  • Hanoi: Sunny with scattered clouds and thunderstorms, with a high of 38°C and a low of 28°C.
  • Hue: Sunny with scattered clouds and thunderstorms, with a high of 39°C and a low of 29°C.
  • Da Nang: Sunny with scattered clouds and thunderstorms, with a high of 38°C and a low of 28°C.
  • Ho Chi Minh City: Sunny with rain showers and thunderstorms, with a high of 36°C and a low of 27°C.
  • Can Tho: Sunny with rain showers and thunderstorms, with a high of 37°C and a low of 27°C.

Note: Weather forecasts are subject to change, so people should regularly monitor weather forecasts for appropriate preventive measures.

To address global warming and climate change, concerted global action is needed from everyone worldwide. Governments need to implement strong policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote the use of renewable energy, and protect the environment. Businesses should adopt environmentally friendly production practices. Individuals can contribute by changing their daily habits, such as energy conservation, using public transportation, and reducing plastic usage.

Let's join hands to protect Earth - our common home!

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