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In 2023, Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant upgraded its environmental monitoring software

December 20, 2023

With the increasing demand for human energy consumption, power plants are compelled to accelerate their progress and increase working capacity multiple times. Emissions from thermal power plants, such as exhaust gases, production wastewater, domestic wastewater, ash, etc., significantly impact the environment. Therefore, thermal power plants invest in the installation of automatic monitoring systems to protect the environment. Among them, Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant is no exception, having collaborated with iLotusLand to implement the installation of environmental monitoring software.

Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant

Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power is a mixed-cycle gas power plant managed and operated by the PetroVietnam Power Corporation (PV Power) since 2009. The plant is located in Phuoc Khanh Commune, Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai Province. This project is part of the overall electricity plan 6 approved by the Prime Minister, with PV Power as the investor and the consortium of Lilama and Construction Corporation No.1 (CC1) as the EPC contractor, with a total investment of approximately VND 6,500 billion.

The Nhon Trach 1 thermal power plant has a total capacity of 462.8 MW, providing the national grid with an annual output ranging from 2.2 to 2.5 billion kWh of electricity, primarily using natural gas supplied from fields in the Cuu Long and Nam Con Son basins and backup fuel is diesel oil. In the first six months of 2023, this project was evaluated to have exceeded the production plan, reaching 524 million kWh, equivalent to 129% of the plan.

Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant

The plant utilized environmental monitoring software in 2020

In 2020, Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant employed iLotusLand environmental monitoring software to manage and supervise data from 2 exhaust gas stations and 2 industrial wastewater stations.

iLotusLand optimized operations, especially improving the quality of discharged effluents to meet all permissible standards, ensuring stable, safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly power supply.

Throughout the period from 2020 to the present, the plant's engineering and operational workforce has adeptly mastered cutting-edge gas turbine technology globally. Simultaneously, continuous efforts are made to improve professional qualifications and apply advanced technology to operate the plant with the highest efficiency, rightfully earning its place as a leading player in the Vietnamese gas power industry.

Read more: The Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant monitors environmental monitoring data following Circular 10/2021-TT-BTNMT

Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power monitoring station
Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power monitoring station

Upgrading the environmental monitoring software system

Following the initial project, Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant and iLotusLand Vietnam have had a fruitful and cooperative partnership. To reinforce the monitoring and management of the data quality of the source emissions before treatment, both parties collaborated to upgrade the environmental monitoring software system by adding a fifth monitoring station. The current system manages data for 5 stations, comprising 2 exhaust gas monitoring stations and 3 industrial wastewater monitoring stations.

The iLotusLand software is a solution for measuring, managing, monitoring, and reporting parameters from monitoring systems, simultaneously controlling and analyzing IoT-applied environmental monitoring data. The acquired data helps businesses make intelligent decisions in monitoring and managing discharged pollutants into the environment. Measurement indices are continuously and rapidly reported in real-time, complying with the strict regulations of the state. Users can connect and receive data from various monitoring stations through the iLotusLand software on the web and mobile, optimizing costs and resources.

These efforts not only help minimize negative impacts on the environment and local communities but also contribute to building a sustainable future for both Nhon Trach 1 and Dong Nai Province as a whole.

Current status monitoring data management

Type Value
Data management software iLotusLand for Environment – On Cloud
Number of monitoring stations

2 air pollution monitoring stations and 3 industrial wastewater monitoring stations

Measured parameters CO, Dust, Flow, NOx, O2, pH, Clo, Temp, Flow, COD, TSS, Amoni


Automatic monitoring data management system
Automatic monitoring data management system

Through the measurement and analysis of parameters such as CO, Dust, Flow, NOx, O2, the iLotusLand software helps monitor and manage environmental data that affects air quality, enabling timely tracking of emissions and monitoring air quality at the installed monitoring stations. 

For the industrial wastewater monitoring stations, the software measures parameters such as pH, Chlorine, Temperature, Flow, COD, TSS, Ammonia. These indices are continuously updated and reported in real-time, helping detect and address potential exceedances of permissible discharge limits.

Datalogger Envidata1801 managing monitoring data
Datalogger Envidata1801 managing monitoring data

Collaborate with Nhon Trach 1 Is Our Honor

iLotusLand expresses deep gratitude toward Nhon Trach 1 Thermal Power Plant for choosing us as your partner. This positive collaboration is not only an honor but also a motivation for us to continuously strive, develop, and serve our customers to the best of our ability.

With over 9 years of experience, we lead the Vietnamese market in environmental data management and monitoring through IoT technology. We take pride in successfully providing real-time environmental data management solutions efficiently for numerous businesses both domestically and internationally.

Once again, iLotusland sincerely thanks our partners, hoping that our relationship will continue to grow and prosper in the future. We are delighted to be your collaborative partner at Nhon Trach 1!

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Hotline: +84 909 403 778
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Linked in: iLotusLand – The 1st IoT Platform in Vietnam

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